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Parental Consent

Every child who will not be 18 at the start of Summer School of Evangelisation (SSE), whose parents / guardians are not present on SSE, needs to have parental / guardian consent.

We request that parents/guardians discuss the below code of conduct with your child(ren) and understand that if they break it, you may be called to come and collect your child from SSE.

I give my consent for my child(ren) to attend SSE in Perth in 2024. I hereby give permission to the school leaders to take any medical action necessary for my child(ren) and agree to meet all associated costs. I also agree to any obligations under the code of conduct. I also give permission for photos of my child to be used as long as no identifying information is provided.

No under 18 participant can leave SSE without being signed out by their parent / guardian or someone else for which we have received written permission.  If you wish anyone else to be able to sign out your child when leaving SSE, please give their names below.

A few final questions (please circle agree or disagree to each one):

I give permission for the camp first aid officer to provide paracetamol (eg Panadol) to my child if they need it
I give permission for the camp first aid officer to provide ibuprofen (eg Nurofen) to my child(ren) if they need it
I give permission for the camp first aid officer to provide an antihistamine (eg Polaromine) to my child(ren) if they need it

If you select disagree to the medical questions, then we will need to call you if your child requests such medication during the camp. If you wish to discuss anything with the administrative team of SSE, please call Marty Firth on  0437 551 280

Please read the below code of conduct and ensure your child(ren) have also read it, they should have already signed an electronic version of this.

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